• Full mastering of advanced technologies...

    Full mastering of advanced technologies...

  • ...for value chain optimisation...

    ...for value chain optimisation...

  • ...in favour of our customers

    ...in favour of our customers

AGS Group – Machining, Welding, Designing

AGS Group ensures the full mastering of the value chain

After 48 years of existence, the AGS Group is the only French company able to offer you
mastery complementary of technologies or processes such as
Laser cutting and water jet, laser welding, machining, sheet metal work, EDM or additive manufacturing.

Thus offering the ability to produce very high-tech parts.

3 Subsidiaries in France
more than 160 people
more than 22 M€ in 2019
more than 50 years of experience in mechanical engineering
Tier 1 supplyer

Our subsidiaries